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ONE CX1 Service Update #3 - Service To/From Manaus in 2024 - Drought Situation

ONE Customer,

We are pleased to announce that, as of July, ONE Brazil's official website will feature a special page on the drought situation in the Manaus region, with up-to-date information on the contingency plan, vessels, connections and warnings. This tab page will be created to provide greater transparency, agility and comfort for our customers.

ONE continues to monitor the situation on the rivers of the Amazon Basin and ONE's Caribbean Service 1 (CX1), which serves Manaus and Vila do Conde, both ports in the northern region of Brazil, remains available to meet your shipping needs.

According to the 24th Hydrological Bulletin of the Amazon Basin, the Rio Negro and Rio Solimões showed the highest accumulated rainfall over 30 days, in line with the climatology for the period. At Manaus, the Rio Negro's hydrograph is stable, with regular rises of 2 cm/day, with the maximum level occurring in June in 76% of years and in July in 18%, followed by the beginning of the ebb process until it reaches the minimum level.
Below, the reference graph of the Rio Negro in Manaus, in stable condition, updated on June 14, 2024 and the map of the situation of the Amazon basins, all in normal condition.



ONE's teams are always working to offer you the best service solutions. If you have any questions, please contact your ONE Sales Representative.


Thank you for shipping with ONE.


Note: Check our schedule for upcoming departures and arrivals of the CX1 Service on ONE eCommerce or request a quote at any time via our digital platform ONE Quote.