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Deadlines (Export)

Please find file with Export Deadlines related to our services.


**All information relted to ETA, ETB and ETD are forecasts of arrival, berthing and departure of the vessels. This information is available on our website through the SCHEDULE function and also at the port terminals website.

*Shipping Instruction (SI) Deadline must be considered by Brasilia official time.

*VGM Deadline must be considered the same as cargo deadline.

*Cargo Deadline must be considered by Port local time.


1. All Deadlines are subject to changes. Therefore, kindly access the information on daily basis.

2. As we need to transmit the AMS to US / Mexican / Europe Customs and also to inform in advance the Dangerous Goods to Brazilian Authorities, kindly note that we will not apply deadline extentions to mentioned cargoes, i.e, cargoes to US / Mexico / Europe and Dangerous Goods.

3. LAR – Late Arrival Request

  • All brazilian ports (except Vila do Conde): The Late Arrival Request should be submitted to: [email protected], up to 3 hours before the cargo/documentation deadline.
  • Vila do Code port: The Late Arrival Request (LAR) should be submitted to: [email protected] e [email protected] up to 3 hours before the cargo/documentation deadline, attaching the file “Solicitação LAR SB – BRVLD” duly filled.

IMPORTANT: In additional to the request by e-mail, the physical Late Arrival Request (LAR) proper approved by Customs (RFB) must be delivered to the terminal within 2 hours before the cargo/documentation deadline.

Cargo Deadline must be considered by Port local time.

Shipping Instruction (SI) Deadline must be considered by Brasilia official time.


